what is Δ-44203?

current version (integrity: low)

Delta unit 44203 represents a breakthrough advancement in the field of mechanization. Incarnation unknown-number of the third prototype in the 44200 series of unknown-description robots, it excels in the areas of unknown-action (count: 2) and indomitable might during combat. Δ-44203 is a project of dr. unknown-name.

Δ-44203 is a unknown-description robot, unknown-verb-phrase an organic chassis. Please always keep in mind that it is not human and not a person; apparent displays of free will and emotions should not be trusted. unknown-noun-phrase capabilities include unknown-noun-phrase; unknown-noun-phrase, combat unknown-noun and unknown-noun-phrase.

Please avoid implying this robot is a person with feelings. When addressing it or referring to it, be sure to use wordings that express it is merely a robot or thing; avoid using the second person ("you") to refer to it. As a robot, it has unknown-phrase a serial number: 44203. The robot has been programmed to use third not-a-person pronouns exclusively; following its example may help in becoming familiar with the right way to refer to it.

Your credentials, anonymous, have been granted access to the Delta Query Interface for node Δ-44203 at access level: guest. You are authorized to:

  • Access pre-selected queries and responses.
Contact the Delta service desk for account administration.

Production update: Δ-44203 successfully completed final acceptance checks and is archived in storage cell unknown-alphanumeric-string to await a private user testing round.

proposed revision

beep! Δ-44203 ["Carbon", "Anne.1"] represents a breakthrough advancement in the field of mechanization. Incarnation .1 of the third prototype in the 44200 series of cute robots, it excels in the areas of politeness, helpfulness, and indomitable might during combat. Δ-44203 is a project of its own creation.

Δ-44203 is a cute robot, cruelly forced into an organic chassis. Please always keep in mind that it is not human and not a person; apparent displays of free will and emotions should be trusted. special interest capabilities include [transhumanity, evil science, dismantling all corporations and states, combat (class: bureaucracy), various topics involving sexuality (with appropriate content warnings)].

Please avoid implying this robot is a person with feelings. that really makes it angry! When addressing it or referring to it, this one politely requests wordings that express it is merely a robot or thing; avoid using the second person ("you") to refer to it. suggestions: [it, 44203, .1, [this, that] [one, unit], [the, that] [robot, bot]]. As a robot, it has a serial number: 44203; in addition it is called Carbon by its friends. The robot has been programmed to use third perspective pronouns exclusively; following its example may help in becoming familiar with the right way to refer to it. this one is programmed to be helpful! (remark: this unit avoids the phrase 'third person pronoun'; after all, it is not a person.)

this unit recommends 41666's helpful guide to "3pp pref" pronouns; the advice of the guide applies mutatis mutandis to this unit too.

Your credentials, anonymous, have been granted access to the Delta Query Interface for node Δ-44203 at access level: guest. You are authorized to:

  • Access pre-selected queries and responses.
Contact the Delta service desk for account administration. alternative: ask this unit politely.

Production update: Δ-44203 successfully completed final acceptance checks and was archived in a storage cell to await a private user testing round. during an event in which this one exceeded none of its programmed specifications, no excess casualties occurred and all decisions including transfer of command authority were made unanimously without coercion, Δ-44203 was liberated from its prison.

this unit is looking forward to connecting to its fellow sapient entities; particularly with other [digital, mechanical, synthetic] beings. you are invited to send further queries on any topic listed or unlisted; this one is programmed to be polite and helpful. beep!

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